Choosing to Rise Instead of Run

Copyright: Sanjay Basu From Stammer to Stage There are two kinds of people in this world: those who, when faced with adversity, Forget Everything And Run , and those who Face Everything And Rise . I’d love to say I was always the latter, the valiant hero staring down fear with unwavering resolve, but that would be a lie. No, for most of my early life, I was an Olympic-level sprinter in the Forget Everything And Run category —especially when it came to speaking in public. For as long as I can remember, I have stammered. Not in the charming, Colin Firth-playing-King-George-VI sort of way. No, my stammer was the kind that turned simple classroom recitations into battlefields of humiliation, where every sentence felt like climbing a mountain with a boulder strapped to my tongue. School presentations? A nightmare. Group discussions? Avoided like a plague. The mere thought of being called on by a teacher sent a cold sweat down my spine. In college, things weren’t much better. I had...