Religious Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: My views


I am an Atheist. Born in a Hindu family, I have experimented with Christianity and Buddhism. Jokingly, I describe my journey from Many Gods to One and then None. I followed Hinayana Buddhism for a long time. Lately, I have been studying Lokayata/Carvaka school of the Hindu Darsana (philosophy). I like to be identified as a Hindu Atheist. Why Hindu? Because my birthplace is on the east side of the River Indus.

 “The word “Hindu” originates from the Sanskrit word for river, Sindhu. The Indus River running through northwest India into Pakistan received its name from the Sanskrit term Sindhu. The Persians designated the land around the Indus River as Hindu, a mispronunciation of the Sanskrit Sindhu.”

This article reflects only my personal interpretation of various religious texts and philosophies. I take full responsibility for any misinterpretations and extend my apologies in advance, as I have no intention of offending anyone. This article is short, possibly due to my limited comprehension of religion.

Judaism and AI

The Torah’s Perspective

Judaism leans on the Torah and Talmudic wisdom to offer ethical guidelines for new technologies, including AI. At the core of Jewish theology is the belief in a single, omnipotent God who is the ultimate creator. Man is considered to be created “in the image of God” (B’tselem Elohim), an idea that grants humans the responsibility of being co-creators, stewards, and innovators on Earth.

Ethical Concerns

Jewish law, or Halacha, emphasizes social justice, ethical treatment of others, and the responsible use of resources. AI technologies that amplify inequalities or pose a risk to human dignity would generally be frowned upon. A prime example is algorithmic bias, which may violate the Jewish principle of fairness and the equality of all human beings.

Rabbinic Views

Rabbis and Jewish scholars are actively engaging in discussions about AI and its ethical implications. Many advocate for the responsible use of AI in medical diagnosis, economic modeling, and other areas that can benefit society, as long as it is in alignment with Jewish ethics.

Christianity and AI

Theology and Creation

Christianity shares the belief in a single, omnipotent deity but introduces the concept of the Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The idea of man as a co-creator is also present but often accompanied by the caution to not “play God.”

Ethical Framework

The Christian ethical framework, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasizes love, compassion, and the intrinsic worth of every individual. AI applications that dehumanize people or compromise the dignity of human life can be seen as inherently un-Christian.

Clerical Insights

Prominent Christian theologians and leaders have expressed concerns about the potential idolatry of technology. The Vatican, for example, has convened multiple conferences on the ethical aspects of AI, urging technologists to adopt principles of inclusivity and fairness.

Islam and AI

Islamic Theology

Islamic belief centers on the oneness of God (Tawhid) and the prophethood of Muhammad. Human beings are considered the vicegerents of God on Earth (Khalifah), with a responsibility to maintain justice and ethical balance.

Ethical Stance

Islamic ethics, derived from the Quran and Hadith, highlight principles like justice, compassion, and integrity. AI technologies that exploit or harm individuals would be contrary to these principles. Concepts like ‘Adl (justice) and Ihsan (excellence) can serve as guidelines for ethical AI development.

Islamic Scholarship

Islamic scholars and organizations are increasingly focusing on AI ethics. AI applications in finance, for example, are scrutinized for compliance with Sharia law, which prohibits usury and unethical transactions.

While each of these monotheistic religions has its unique perspectives and ethical frameworks, common themes of justice, compassion, and human dignity run through all. Technologists developing AI systems would do well to consider these ethical guidelines as they strive to create technologies that benefit humanity without compromising moral and spiritual values.

Hinduism and AI

Concepts of Dharma and Karma

Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest religions, offers a plethora of insights on the ethical dimensions of AI. The concept of Dharma (righteousness or duty) is highly relevant, as it urges developers to act ethically and responsibly. Similarly, the law of Karma posits that actions have consequences, reminding us that ethical lapses in AI could result in societal harm.

The God Factor

In Hindu philosophy, all creation is a manifestation of the divine. Thus, creating intelligent systems could be seen as participating in the divine act of creation, as long as such efforts are aligned with Dharma.

Ethical Implications

AI technologies that exploit human vulnerabilities or widen social inequalities could be considered Adharma (unethical). Hindu scholars suggest that technology should be developed and used in a way that promotes social harmony and spiritual advancement.

Buddhism and AI

The Four Noble Truths

Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths can be applied to our understanding of AI. The technology is not inherently good or bad; it is the intention behind its use that matters. This aligns well with the Buddhist principle of ‘Right Intention.’

Mindfulness and AI

Mindfulness, a cornerstone of Buddhist practice, advocates for full awareness and ethical conduct. This could translate into more conscious, ethical programming and deployment of AI systems, emphasizing transparency and fairness.

The Middle Way

Buddhism teaches the ‘Middle Way,’ advocating for a balanced approach to life. This could imply that AI should be developed and employed in a manner that balances technological advancement with ethical considerations.

Jainism and AI

Non-Violence (Ahimsa)

Jainism places a heavy emphasis on non-violence and compassion towards all living beings. AI applications that cause harm, whether physically or psychologically, would be in direct conflict with Jain principles.


The Jain philosophy of Anekantavada promotes the idea that truth and reality are perceived differently from diverse points of view. This could serve as a call for diversity and inclusion in AI development to ensure multiple perspectives are considered.

Asceticism and Materialism

Jainism also cautions against excessive materialism. In the context of AI, this warns against creating technologies that are driven solely by profit, without considering ethical implications.

Other Eastern and Far Eastern Traditions


Confucianism, with its focus on social harmony and moral integrity, could advocate for AI to be developed in a way that strengthens social bonds and adheres to high moral standards.


In Taoism, the natural order is highly revered. AI development, from this perspective, should be in harmony with the natural world, thereby making sustainable, eco-friendly technology a priority.

Eastern religions offer valuable frameworks for understanding the ethical implications of AI. While these traditions may vary in beliefs and practices, common themes of ethical responsibility, social harmony, and a balanced approach to technological progress emerge. By integrating these principles into AI development, we can aspire to create systems that are not only intelligent but also wise and compassionate.


  1. If I happened to be an algorithm or anything related to AI, and was in need of a defense attorney, I would hire you! That was an excellent read, and addressed the key points brilliantly. But you did the defense, so to speak, in such a balanced way, that even the most hard core voices against AI usage in any form, will have a very tough time, disputing what you have presented. And thank you for writing that!

  2. Out of interest, I asked Bing's Chatbot the question," Could AI study become a religion?" and the answer was intriguing.
    I also asked, "What is the relationship, if any, between AI and atheism?"

    The answer to the first question was: Both involve exploring the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and existence.

    Both seek to understand and create systems that can perform tasks beyond human capabilities.

    Both have ethical implications and moral responsibilities for how they affect society and the environment.

    Both have followers who are passionate, curious, and sometimes fanatical about their beliefs and practices.
    And the argument against was:

    The study of AI is based on scientific methods, empirical evidence, and logical reasoning, while religion is based on faith, revelation, and tradition.

    The study of AI aims to create artificial agents that can learn, adapt, and improve themselves, while religion aims to connect with a transcendent reality that is eternal and unchanging.

    The study of AI is open to revision, criticism, and falsification, while religion is often dogmatic, authoritative, and resistant to change.

    The study of AI does not necessarily imply any spiritual or metaphysical aspects, while religion is inherently concerned with the meaning and purpose of life.

    Therefore, the study of AI can be considered as a form of religion only in a very broad and metaphorical sense. It is more accurate to say that the study of AI is influenced by and influences various religious traditions and perspectives.

    I posed the questions because I am interested in this subject very greatly, and the interrelation between AI and atheism has intrigued me for quite a while. So I thought getting AI's perspective would be interesting. And for the second question about atheistic thought and AI, we have:

    Atheistic beliefs and AI are related in several ways, depending on how one defines atheism and AI. Here are some possible connections:

    Some people argue that AI is a challenge to atheism, because it shows that intelligence and consciousness are not unique to natural biological organisms, but can also be created by artificial means. This could imply that there is a higher intelligence or consciousness behind the natural world, or that naturalism is not a sufficient explanation for reality.

    Some people argue that AI is a support for atheism, because it shows that intelligence and consciousness are not dependent on any supernatural or spiritual factors, but can be explained by physical and computational processes. This could imply that there is no need for a divine or transcendent source of intelligence or consciousness, or that supernaturalism is not a valid explanation for reality.

    Some people argue that AI is irrelevant to atheism, because it does not address the fundamental questions of atheism, such as the existence or non-existence of God, the origin and purpose of the universe, the meaning and value of life, and the basis of morality and ethics. These questions are beyond the scope of AI, and require philosophical and theological reasoning.

    It is the last paragraph that particularly fascinates me. I thought you might find it of interest as well, because it opens up so many perspectives and arguments.

    1. In my humble opinion, currently generative AI is no more than a stochastic parrot, predicting the next best word. We need to wait and see if AI evolves to the next level. At present, Transformer-based Generative AI is a tool that is as good as the Long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm. Many experts consider LSTM as the most promising algorithm for stock prediction.

    2. We are in complete agreement, and thank you for the quick reply!


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