Quantum Computing – How Does Entropy-as-a-Service Work?



While quantum computing continues making substantial progress, more work is required to make it production-ready and completely permeate the technology industry. However, as crucial as quantum development is, it can have unpleasant side effects, particularly privacy concerns and the potential threat to digital information across the board.


One way to allay fears of compromised cybersecurity is by providing Entropy-as-a-Service (EaaS) to enhance cryptography and detect threats as they manifest themselves. EaaS unlocks the full effect of cryptography, enhancing data security and providing a more reliable infrastructure.

What is Cryptography, and How Does EaaS Help It?


Entropy-as-a-Service enhances Quantum computing and cryptography as a whole


Cryptography studies secure communication allowing only the message senders and recipients to view the content of messages using encryption or decryption techniques. With quantum computing continuing to develop, more cryptographic algorithms will be fortified as the combination of quantum computing and quantum internet creates encryption keys protected from hackers. Thanks to improved encryption keys, businesses are granted advanced cyber defenses, and individuals are promised more privacy, making cryptography more robust.


Furthermore, the increased advent of quantum computing leads to quantum key distributions (QKD), a novel concept with communicating parties using transferred day anomalies to detect eavesdropping. QKD forms the foundation for a solid quantum internet, ensuring cybersecurity measures acquire added levels of reliability.


Entropy-as-a-Service provides the novel internet service architecture, offering secure times and quantum entropy devices to the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The quantum entropy device is arguably the essential component of the EaaS architecture. Other vital components of this enhanced system are having a hardware root of trust device and an EaaS server.


The EaaS does not generate encryption keys. Instead, it enables client systems to generate the strongest possible cryptographic keys without any possibility of the EaaS server gaining any insight into client keys. Enterprises benefit from using a quantum-generated resource by constantly expressing demands for high-quality and high-performance figures. With EaaS, private communication receives added layers of security for years at a time.

Why is Entropy-as-a-Service So Important?

A decade ago, the thought of software-based entropy didn’t enter the minds of many. However, researchers from multiple universities, including the University of Michigan and the University of California, discovered that DSA and RSA no longer produced secure keys, revealing that TLS and SSH servers contained public keys that were easy to figure out.


Internet-connected devices have constrained resources, limiting user interaction. In the past, IoT devices were created with the thought that software-generated entropy was sufficient for cryptography. Over time, more IoT devices possessed cryptographic keys that were easy to guess, becoming spying tools rather than reliable assets, raising newfound IoT security challenges and rendering the old thinking surrounding entropy obsolete.


Developers have struggled to find reliable sources of entropy over the years, with the traditional software approach regarding entropy generation failing when applied to quantum systems. More external entropy sources are being explored to counter entropy issues while successfully countering cybercriminal activity. Various applications can safely share these external entropy sources in different production environments, leading to the increased reliance on Entropy-as-a-Service.


EaaS is a modernized internet service that provides top-quality entropy sources to IoT devices, cloud service outlets, and embedded systems. Entropy sources are usually based on quantum devices, offering true randomness. EaaS developers use Entropy-as-a-Service to seed their applications or any high-quality entropy devices successfully.


Additionally, Entropy-as-a-Service reduces hacking attempts against enterprises and boosts the overall security within IT systems. When using a cloud-based system, Entropy-as-a-Service improves security quality. Entropy-as-a-Service servers go after virtual machines that can’t generate strong cryptographic encryption keys successfully.


EaaS servers consistently receive entropy from attached quantum devices before storing the entropy securely. After getting a request from the client system, the EaaS server encrypts new data before sending it to the requesting source.


Developers can also blend any random data obtained from EaaS servers with pseudo-random data that use hashing or by data received from other EaaS servers.

Entropy-as-a-Service Creates More Trust and Scalability With Quantum Computing


EaaS makes Quantum Computing more scalable


Entropy-as-a-Service distributes and aggregates trust across a scalable collective of participants, thus yielding a collective authority. EaaS successfully combines cryptographic techniques in various ways, providing new timestamps and entropy to any Internet of Things device.


With an enhanced architecture, trust is distributed across several servers scattered, and there is more enhancement with quantum computing.


Entropy is consistently linked to cryptography, especially in this digital era where cryptography has become increasingly recognized as a foundation to secure huge data volumes flowing throughout the internet. Strong cryptography is necessary to ensure unscrupulous people don’t breach sensitive data. Strong cryptography is dependent on robust entropy and vice versa. Entropy-as-a-Service fulfills mandates by leveraging the best elements of cloud computing. At the same time, developers can rely on EaaS when building and protecting applications while also using it as a tool to carry out cybersecurity testing.



To make quantum computing a more solidified aspect of technology, EaaS provides the fundamentals to executing it in layers.


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